by mindyrobbins | Feb 1, 2023
This bill would prohibit minors from attending drag shows, prohibit minors from entering sexually oriented businesses, prohibit drag performances in libraries or schools that receive state funding, and provide penalties. Passed the Senate on 3rd reading by a vote of...
by mindyrobbins | Jan 26, 2023
This bill would provide protections for medical practitioners, health care institutions, and health care payers for actions based on conscience. Including free speech protections, whistleblower protections, and providing immunity. Passed 3rd reading by a vote of 63 to...
by mindyrobbins | Jan 26, 2023
This bill would revise laws regarding the public display or dissemination of obscene material to minors, removing exceptions for employees of public schools, officers, and employees of public libraries and museums. Montana Family Foundation Supports this bill.
by mindyrobbins | Jan 26, 2023
This Bill would clarify that the right of individual privacy as referenced in the Montana constitution, the Montana Code Annotated, or the Administrative Rules of Montana does not create, and may not be construed as creating or recognizing, a right to abortion or to...
by mindyrobbins | Jan 12, 2023
This Legislation provides for a certificate of nonviable birth to be given to parents who lose a child after a heartbeat is detected but prior to the 20th week of gestation in pregnancy. Signed into law