Victory in Whitefish

I must admit that the past several weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster with the low being the forced legalization of same-sex marriage by a single Montana judge.  Some people are saying that the battle for the family is over – we’ve lost.  But that couldn’t be...

Press Release November 19, 2014

Press Release For Immediate Release 11-19-2014 Montana Family Foundation President, Jeff Laszloffy Responds to the Federal District Court’s Decision in the Rolando Case on Same-Sex Marriage   Montana’s Marriage Amendment, enacted by nearly 70% of Montana voters in a...

Same-sex “marriage” comes to Montana?

10 years ago the people of Montana, by an over whelming majority, said marriage should be defined in our State Constitution as a union between one man and one woman.  We needed to collect 40, 000 signatures to get the measure on the ballot–we gathered 85, 000! ...
The Election is Over… Sort of

The Election is Over… Sort of

In all my years of campaigning, electioneering, polling and strategizing I have come to a conclusion.  The best part of elections is when they’re over.  No more TV ads, postal carriers breathe a sigh of relief and a knock on the door is much more likely to be a...
Don’t Call Me a Boy

Don’t Call Me a Boy

During a recent trip to Boston, I stood before the graves of people like Paul Revere and Sam Adams, wondering what they would think of the country they worked so hard to create.  I returned to Montana just in time for a five-day news cycle that included the de facto...