Call Him Emmett

Call Him Emmett

I like to start these broadcasts with a hook, a statement or some word that will get your attention and help you be drawn into the message.  A lot of times, hooks are slightly funny or slightly exaggerated.  The point is to draw you into the broadcast.  But with every...
Call Him Emmett

Investigate and Defund

Let me preface today’s broadcast by saying that I always regret when we have to talk about abortion, because I know there are families with young children who may be listening. But this week, how can we talk about anything else?   Two videos have recently been...

School Choice At Last!

Each year, for whatever reason, nearly 2000 kids drop out of Montana Public Schools.  If your student needs a change from public school, we may have a solution. One of the Montana Family Foundation’s major victories in the 2015 Legislative Session was a breakthrough...