TrueU is a DVD-based apologetics curriculum. Dr. Del Tackett, architect and voice of Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project, describes this endeavor this way:
“Produced by Focus on the Family in conjunction with Coldwater Media, TrueU is an apologetics training series primarily geared to help prepare high school students for the rigorous challenges and attacks that will confront them on the university campus. My guess is that it will end up benefiting a whole lot more folks than just high school seniors.”
It is important to clarify that TrueU is not “The Truth Project for teens.” As envisioned by Dr. Tackett and our staff, TrueU will be, in essence, a series of “prequels” (or lead-in studies) to The Truth Project.
TrueU is designed primarily to help students solidify their Christian faith with foundational apologetics training. This will equip young people to stand strong in the university environment, and also serve as a precursor to the in-depth study presented in The Truth Project of how to live out a Christian worldview in everyday life.
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